Extra Volume
Get additional internet volume
Monthly downloading volume almost exceeded?
Boost your fixed Internet subscription with extra internet volume
Activate the Extra Volume option to ensure uninterrupted connectivity! Without it, if you exceed your monthly limit, your connection speed will be restricted until the start of the next month.
Extra Volume 300 GB
- Tuttimus, Familus, Minimus, Flex or Flex+
- Pack with Internet Maxi, Internet Comfort, Internet Go, Internet Go Fiber, Internet Mega Fiber or Internet Giga Fiber
- Internet Maxi, Internet Go, Internet Go Fiber, Internet Mega Fiber or Internet Giga Fiber
Extra Volume 20 GB
- Internet Light or Internet Light Fiber
- Internet Comfort
- Pack with Internet Light or Internet Light Fiber
Good reasons to shop online
The Terms and Conditions and Pricelist & tariffs apply.
The Extra Volume option is valid until the end of the month in which it is ordered.