Contract summary
Below you will find the contract summary per product category (click on the links below to open or download the documents of your choice).
The listed contract summaries apply to companies with 10 to 49 employees.
- Mobile subscriptions – Mobile Connect – Data Connect(PDF, 238 KB)
- Fixed Mobile Unification (FMU) (PDF, 123 KB)
- Enterprise Voice (PDF, 174 KB)
- Business Trunking (PDF, 174 KB)
- Phone Line (PDF, 119 KB)
- Fixed Voice Infinity (PDF, 171 KB)
- Call Credit (PDF, 114 KB)
- (Enterprise) Unlimited Calls National (PDF, 132 KB)
- (Enterprise) Unlimited Calls National/International (PDF, 134 KB)
- Voice Managed Services (PDF, 169 KB)
- Marketing numbers 0800 (PDF, 186 KB)
- Marketing numbers 070 (PDF, 191 KB)
- Marketing numbers 078 (PDF, 161 KB)
- Marketing numbers 090 (PDF, 174 KB)
- Call Connect (PDF, 133 KB)
- Service Line Pro (PDF, 142 KB)
- Internet copper (PDF, 156 KB)
- Internet copper (low end) (PDF, 152 KB)
- Internet fiber (PDF, 166 KB)
- Internet fiber (low end) (PDF, 138 KB)
- Internet copper (temporary) (PDF, 143 KB)
- Internet fiber (temporary) (PDF, 180 KB)
- Internet fiber (like for like) (PDF, 156 KB)
- Explore Comfort Fibermax (PDF, 406 KB)
- SD-WAN Meraki (PDF, 134 KB)
Other services
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