Contract summary
Below you will find the contract summary per product category (click on the links below to open or download the documents of your choice).
Packs for private customers
- Flex+ (INT + TV and/or MOB)(PDF, 254 KB)
- Internet Start + Telephony + TV(PDF, 184KB)
- Internet + Telephony(PDF, 166KB)
- Beats Flex XS(PDF, 181KB)
- Beats Flex S(PDF, 161KB)
- Beats Flex(PDF, 186KB)
Packs for business customers
- Business Flex Essential (Fiber) – INT + MOB with or without TV(PDF, 281KB)
- Business Flex (Fiber) - TEL + INT with or without mobile and with or without TV(PDF, 280KB)
- Business Flex Fiber Ultra - TEL + INT with or without mobile and with or without TV(PDF, 290KB)
- Business Flex (Fiber) with Bizz Call Connect - TEL + INT with or without mobile and with or without TV(PDF, 314KB)
- Business Flex (Fiber) with Multi Line - TEL + INT with or without mobile and with or without TV(PDF, 316KB)
- Business Flex Premium (Fiber) - TEL + INT with or without mobile and with or without TV(PDF, 305KB)
- Business Flex Premium (Fiber) with Bizz Call Connect - TEL + INT with or without mobile and with or without TV(PDF, 342KB)
- Business Flex Premium (Fiber) with Multi Line - TEL + INT with or without mobile and with or without TV(PDF, 296KB)
Mobile for private customers
- Mobile subscriptions (Full Control)(PDF, 179KB)
- Pay&Go+(PDF, 202KB)
- Mobile XS(PDF, 132KB)
- Mobile Internet(PDF, 129KB)
- Beats Mobile Maxi(PDF, 160KB)
Mobile for business customers
- Internet Light & Internet Light Fiber(PDF, 153KB)
- Internet Go (Fiber)(PDF, 122 KB)
- Internet Mega Fiber(PDF, 122 KB)
- Internet Giga Fiber(PDF, 105KB)
- Business Internet Giga Fiber(PDF, 113KB)
Products for larger enterprises
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