Switch to fiber!

Avoid having your Proximus fixed services turned off permanently

We’re preparing your personalized experience

It’s almost ready...

Avoid any interruptions to your Internet, TV and landline telephone!

As you are aware, Proximus is modernising its network by replacing the copper wires- through which your services currently go - with a fibre optic system which gives considerably better performances.

This brand-new network is already operational in your neighbourhood and will be permanently replacing the copper system.

Avoid any interruption to your Proximus services and the loss of your benefits by switching over now. You can do this by calling Proximus on 0800 55 800 (0800 55 500 for companies), by visiting one of our shops or by filling in the form below.

What happens if you don't upgrade to fiber?

  1. You can now no longer order a new connection, transfer your system when you move house or add a new Internet account using the copper system - from now on only fibre is available.

Want to have fiber installed in your home or premises?

You want to switch to fiber? Do you have any questions about it? Call Proximus at 0800 55 800 ( 0800 55 500 for companies) or fill in the online form and Proximus will contact you as soon as possible.

What you need to know about fiber

Free installation

Installation is fast and free of charge

Replacing your copper cable with a fiber cable  takes between two and four hours and requires us to cut the connection off for a few minutes only.

You will still be able to continue your activities without any problem

A necessary change

Fiber meets the need for ever greater connectivity. Smartphones, voice assistants, connected things, autonomous cars...

All these technologies around us are constantly evolving and the transition from copper to fiber guarantees better performance, today and tomorrow.

Is fiber more expensive?

The offered rates depend on the products you currently have. Don't forget that you'll get to enjoy all that fiber has to offer and you'll be ready for tomorrow's technologies. On top of that, the installation is .

A Proximus agent will advise you according to your needs

What is fiber?

A technology of the future, fiber transmits data over great distances at the speed of light. It offers many benefits such as:

  • a stable connection even when everyone is online
  • amazing speeds of up to 8.5 Gbps
  • a clearer image on all your screens

Our customers' opinion

"I can work a lot faster. I don't have to ask people to repeat things three times in a meeting. There are no glitches and everything runs very smoothly."

Martin, 28, Antwerp

"Wow, what speed, what stability! With fiber, even when there are 5 of us online, everything goes at the same speed. Even when my son is gaming online with his friends."

Julie, 46, Liège

Want to have fiber installed in your home or premises?

You want to switch to fiber? Do you have any questions about it? Call Proximus at 0800 55 800 ( 0800 55 500 for companies) or fill in the online form and Proximus will contact you as soon as possible.

Avoid having your Proximus services cut off!

Questions that you may still have

It is important to know that the migration to this new technology is essential in order to avoid your Proximus fixed services being cut off, which will take place very soon.

Indeed, if you do not switch to fiber:

1. At first, your fixed services will be severely slowed down for 3 weeks:

This basically means that, depending on your situation:

  • your internet speed will become extremely slow,
  • you will no longer have access to your TV services,
  • you will no longer be able to make calls over your landline except to emergency numbers and to the Proximus customer service, you will still be able to receive calls.

2. Afterwards, your fixed services will be completely cut off, only your mobile services remain operational as before.

Do you have an alarm or remote assistance system connected to your landline? Unfortunately, these will no longer work once your fixed services have been idled.

Any alarm connected to an internet line will cease to function once the fixed become services unavailable.

Your mobile products are not dependent on your connection, so you will be able to continue to use them as usual.

As a technology of the future, fiber transmits data over great distances at the speed of light. The advantages are numerous, including a super-fast and much more stable Internet connection.

Proximus is modernizing its network (teaming up with other partners such as Fiberklaar and Unifiber) and is gradually replacing its current copper cables with fiber cables. Ultimately, the Proximus copper network will be completely replaced by this new technology.

Thanks to a close collaboration with the construction sector, most new housing estates and apartment buildings are swiftly connected to our fiber network.

And unlike most other operators, Proximus takes the fiber right into your home. This guarantees you the best possible performance, today as well as tomorrow.

Discover what fiber is in a video.

Find out more about this new network

Your current copper cable will soon have to be replaced. Fiber, which will be rolled out instead, meets the need for ever greater connectivity. It guarantees you better performance today and tomorrow.

With fiber, you'll have access to super-fast and stable Internet, ultra-low latency, a sharper than ever image on all your screens and, most importantly, you'll be equipped for the future:

  • Super-fast, stable Internet: no downtime or slowdowns when importing or exporting documents, watching videos and playing online, no matter how many people or devices are connected at the same time.
  • Ultra-low latency: latency is the delay between a data transfer request and the response to that request. Indeed, when you play online, every millisecond counts. With fiber, you stay one step ahead of your opponents.
  • A sharper picture than ever before on all your screens: Whether on TV, tablet or smartphone, with fiber, you won’t miss even the tiniest detail.
  • Future-proof: tomorrow, your home will be increasingly connected thanks to the Internet. With fiber in your home, this evolution is child's play.

Are you already a Proximus customer? At some stage, your current copper cable will need to be replaced. Fiber, which will succeed it, meets the ever-increasing need for connectivity. It guarantees you better performance today and in the future.

As a tenant, all you have to do is submit your request to Proximus. The landlord cannot oppose the choice of operator, nor the installation of fiber at the request of the tenant. We nevertheless advise you to inform the landlord.

In a building in co-ownership, all owners will normally have already been notified of the arrival of fiber in the building through the general assembly or by the syndic/building manager.

All about installation

Faster and more stable than traditional copper cabling, fiber is also more environmentally friendly.

It can be entirely produced in Europe and consists of glass made from silicon dioxide, the most abundant element on earth after oxygen. This resource is found in sand, clay, rocks and even water. Mining it is therefore not harmful for the environment.

Moreover, fiber uses 4x less electricity than copper, and its production leaves a very small environmental footprint: 0.06 kg of CO2 for glass fiber compared to 1000 kg for 2 kg of copper wire (used for your current connection).

Switching to this future-proof technology makes sense for the environment and the climate!

Watch a video on why fiber is environmentally friendlyNew window.

The installation takes between two and four hours, but don't worry, the connection is only cut off for a few minutes. So you can continue your activities without any problems.

For new housing estates and apartment buildings, which are usually already connected to our fiber network, the technician only activates your services on the fiber network, which takes much less time.

Watch a video of how fiber is installed in your home.

All about installation

Talk to your Proximus agent who will give you the best advice.